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Browsing Transportation plans (county) by Author "Lincoln County (Or.)"
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Lincoln County (Or.); Lincoln County (Or.). Planning and Development Dept.; Angelo Eaton & Associates; CH2M Hill, inc.
(Lincoln County (Or.), 2006-01)
Over 25 years ago, in November 1979, the Lincoln County Board of Commissioners adopted
the current transportation element of the County Comprehensive Plan, which includes goals
(1.0140) and policies (1.0145). Updating ...
Lincoln County (Or.); CH2M Hill, inc.; Lincoln County (Or.). Planning and Development Dept.; Angelo Planning Group
(Lincoln County (Or.), 2007-09)
This Transportation System Plan (TSP) for Lincoln County considers transportation issues and guides transportation policy choices and system development for a 20-year planning period (2007-2027). [From the Plan]
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