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Browsing Oregon Review of International Law : Volume 24 (2023) by Title
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Monthey, Tanya
(University of Oregon School of Law, 2023-05-05)
Many industries in the United States have historically relied upon and continue to recruit and exploit workers from the Philippines. This trend reflects the supply and demand structures of labor migration first established ...
Chigara, Benedict Abrahamson
(University of Oregon School of Law, 2023-05-05)
This Article recommends a review of the jurisdictional provision of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to ensure internal logical coherency of the assumptions that underpin the jurisdictional mandate of the ICJ. The ...
Smith, George P., II
(University of Oregon School of Law, 2023-05-05)
This Article investigates the steps which need to be undertaken in order to ensure that scientific conduct is legitimized—and thereby recognized—as indispensable for global peace and progress. Contemporary philosophy of ...
Kamio, Kiyoko
(University of Oregon School of Law, 2023-05-05)
This Article describes the author's endeavor as a legal educator to humanize poverty, making it more relevant to a nonlegal audience both on and beyond the university campus.
Willson, Lindsay
(University of Oregon School of Law, 2023-05-05)
This Comment seeks to comprehensively describe the TikTok controversy by highlighting the widening gap between digitization and the shortcomings of international digital trade policy.
Miller, Kimbirlee E. Sommer
(University of Oregon School of Law, 2023-05-05)
Hundreds of thousands of Indigenous North American children were forcibly removed from their homes and held in large residential boarding schools to force tribal assimilation into White culture. Laws like the Indian ...
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