Portland, Oregon Planning Documents: Recent submissions

  • Portland (Or.); Portland Development Commission; Fishman Environmental Services (City of Portland (Or.), 2001-10-30)
    This report presents the goals, methods, results and conclusions of a study conducted in 1999 and 2000 on the potential relationship between the existence of a newly constructed floating walkway and the presence, abundance ...
  • Portland Development Commission; Portland (Or.) (City of Portland (Or.), 2003-10)
    The Eastside Mixed-Use Study is comprised of Blocks 67, 68, 69, 74, 75, and 76. Bound to the south by the Burnside Bridge and to the east by NE MLK Jr. Blvd, Block 76 presents the ability to prominently mark the ...
  • Portland (Or.); Portland Development Commission; Dan O'Brien Associates (City of Portland (Or.), 2006-06)
    The Portland Development Commission requested this study to evaluate crops that have potential as biodiesel feedstocks and where they may be grown in Oregon. It will also discuss oilseed extraction methods and resulting ...
  • Portland (Or.). Bureau of Environmental Services; Inter-Fluve, Inc.; Portland (Or.); GreenWorks PC; ClearWater West; Fishman Environmental Services; Portland Development Commission; KPFF Consulting Engineers (City of Portland (Or.), 2001-05)
    This notebook sets forth a design methodology and range of riverbank design concepts intended to: provide project proponents with a level of permitting certainty to the extent possible; streamline project review and ...
  • Faithful+Gould; Portland (Or.); Portland Development Commission (City of Portland (Or.), 2008-01-28)
    The Portland Development Commission has retained the services of Faithful+Gould to provide an independent review of potential risks to the Streetcar Loop project's scope, schedule and budget based upon the investigation ...
  • Lindley, Lloyd D.; PB PlaceMaking; URS Corporation; Shiels Obletz Johnsen; Portland (Or.). Office of Transportation; Portland (Or.) (City of Portland (Or.), 2008-04-14)
    This report focuses on three types of development projects: Key public improvements; Potential redevelopment sites; Planned development projects. [From the document]
  • Portland Development Commission; KPFF Consulting Engineers; National Fish and Wildlife Foundation; Fishman Environmental Services; GreenWorks PC; Portland (Or.) (City of Portland (Or.), 2002-08)
    The Portland Downtown Riverfront Habitat Opportunities report identifies habitat enhancement opportunities in nearshore waters and on shorelines within the study area, between the Ross Island and Steel Bridges. The ...
  • Johnson Gardner; Portland Development Commission; Portland (Or.) (City of Portland (Or.), 2007-12)
    The Burnside Bridgehead project represents a highly complicated development on a key site for Portland's Close-In Eastside. The site is difficult physically, with significant grade differentials and transportation requirements. ...
  • Dorn, Mark; Rhodes, Vic; Portland Development Commission; Portland (Or.). Office of Transportation; Portland (Or.); Sharpe, Sumner; Parametrix, Inc.; URS Inc.; Holmes, Craig S.; Lindley, Lloyd D. (City of Portland (Or.), 2005-06)
    The plan provides a vision and strategy for "humanizing Burnside" by transforming the Central City's most blighted area into a "people place" that is comfortable, safe and exciting. Street improvements and new ...
  • GBD Architects; Johnson, Jerry; Callen, Gene; Fry, Peter Finley; Portland (Or.); Singer, Don; Lindley, Lloyd D.; Johnson Gardner; Holmes, Craig S.; Portland (Or.). Office of Transportation; Portland (Or.). Land Development Commission; Integra Realty Resources (City of Portland (Or.), 2005-06)
    Development study goals include: determine private development interest that might result from proposed capital improvements; analyze development potential of future catalyst sites and study area; calculate the economic ...
  • Portland Development Commission; Portland (Or.) (City of Portland (Or.), 1998-09-25)
    [Goals of the Plan are] to develop a functional and symbolic relationship with the river.... to promote the development of a diverse inventory of housing.... to become a community of distinct neighborhoods... to enhance ...
  • Portland Development Commission; Portland (Or.) (City of Portland (Or.), 2001-06-13)
    The goals and objectives of the Interstate Corridor Urban Renewal Area Plan reflect considerable community involvement, including Advisory Committee deliberations, and many broad outreach efforts described in Exhibit C of ...
  • Portland (Or.); Portland Development Commission (City of Portland (Or.), 1986-05-15)
    The following goals, objectives, and policies more specifically identify the objectives of this Urban Renewal Plan: ... prepare and implement a Transportation Master Plan for the renewal area that is integrated with the ...
  • Zimmer Gunsul Frasca; Spencer & Kupper; Perron Collaborative; E.D. Hovee & Company; Portland (Or.); Portland Development Commission; Lindley, Lloyd D.; Siegel and Associates; Housing Development Center; GreenWorks PC; David Evans and Associates; Otak, Inc. (City of Portland (Or.), 1999-08-11)
    The North Macadam District Framework Plan defines the goals, objectives and overall vision intended to guide the redevelopment of the North Macadam District. It also describes an implementation strategy which proposes: (i) ...
  • Portland Development Commission; Portland (Or.) (City of Portland (Or.), 1998-09-09)
    The Plan will be community based. Members of the community will be directly involved in the implementation and ongoing refinement of the Plan.... Invest public funds and work with residential property owners to maintain and ...
  • Portland Development Commission; Portland (Or.) (City of Portland (Or.), 1999-06-24)
    The North Macadam Urban Renewal Plan consists of Part One - Text and Part Two - Exhibits. This Urban Renewal Plan has been prepared by the Urban Renewal Agency of the City of Portland, Oregon pursuant to Oregon Revised ...
  • Portland Development Commission; Portland (Or.). Bureau of Planning; Portland (Or.) (City of Portland (Or.), 2001-06)
    The Guiding Principles are drawn primarily from the Opportunity Gateway Concept Plan and Redevelopment Strategy which is the guiding vision document for the Regional Center. The goals and objectives described in this ...
  • Durrant, Steve; Pettinari, James; Siegel, Darlene; Evergreen Funding Consultants; Portland (Or.). Bureau of Planning; Tetra Tech, Inc.; Alta Planning and Design; Munro, David; Portland (Or.); Canty, Dennis (City of Portland (Or.), 2008-10-28)
    River Plan/North Reach objectives: work with property owners, the public, stakeholders and agency staff to develop solutions that optimize the River Renaissance goals; develop strategies to improve the physical and ...
  • Portland (Or.). Bureau of Planning; Portland (Or.) (City of Portland (Or.), 2008-10-28)
    This report was prepared as part of the River Plan project. The River Plan is a comprehensive multi-objective plan for the Willamette River corridor in Portland and also serves as an update of the City of Portland's ...
  • Portland (Or.). Bureau of Planning; Portland (Or.). Bureau of Environmental Services; Metro (Or.); Adolfson Associates; Portland Parks and Recreation; Portland (Or.) (City of Portland (Or.), 2008-10)
    The purpose of this inventory report is to provide useful, current, and accurate information on the location of existing natural resource features and the current relative condition of riparian corridors and wildlife habitat ...

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