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Browsing Natural resource plans by Title
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Portland (Or.). Bureau of Planning; Portland (Or.); Adolfson Associates; Brooks, Tim
(City of Portland (Or.), 1997-11-05)
This report updates the resource inventory, analysis and protection program for City of Portland Resource Site 30, Boring Lava Domes, (Lava Domes). This site was initially
reviewed in 1991 as part of the Johnson Creek ...
Portland (Or.). Bureau of Planning; Portland (Or.)
(City of Portland (Or.), 1998-06-24)
The purpose of the Citywide Environmental Overlay Zone Map Refinement Project is to more
accurately map the boundaries of Environmental Overlay Zones. The boundaries of
Environmental Protection Zones (EP) and Environmental ...
Portland (Or.); Portland (Or.). Bureau of Planning; Heritage Research Associates; David J. Newton Associates; SRI/Shapiro, Inc.; Whitlock, Cathy; Association of Oregon Archaeologists; Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reservation of Oregon; Oetting, Albert C.
(City of Portland (Or.), 1996-06)
This report is intended to satisfy a Statewide Planning Goal 5 requirement to protect cultural resource areas in the City.... For purposes of the City's first periodic review of the Comprehensive Plan, "cultural resources" ...
Portland Development Commission; KPFF Consulting Engineers; National Fish and Wildlife Foundation; Fishman Environmental Services; GreenWorks PC; Portland (Or.)
(City of Portland (Or.), 2002-08)
The Portland Downtown Riverfront Habitat Opportunities
report identifies habitat enhancement opportunities in nearshore
waters and on shorelines within the study area,
between the Ross Island and Steel Bridges. The ...
Portland (Or.)
(City of Portland (Or.), 2004-03)
This report summarizes current conditions in Portland’s watersheds, including the Willamette
River, its tributary streams, and the portion of the Columbia River directly affected by activities
in Portland. The conditions ...
Portland (Or.); Portland (Or.). Bureau of Planning
(City of Portland (Or.), 1993-07)
The East Buttes, Terraces and Wetlands Conservation Plan provides the inventory, analysis and recommendations for protection of significant natural, scenic and open space resources located in the East Buttes, Terraces and ...
Portland (Or.); Portland (Or.). Bureau of Planning
(City of Portland (Or.), 1990-04-18)
This plan is an attempt to draft a set of policies and objectives for guiding development within these natural areas. They are intended to be used as implementation tools to evaluate future fill permits, environmental ...
Portland (Or.); Portland Development Commission; Fishman Environmental Services
(City of Portland (Or.), 2001-10-30)
This report presents the goals, methods, results and conclusions of a study conducted in 1999 and 2000
on the potential relationship between the existence of a newly constructed floating walkway and the
presence, abundance ...
Portland (Or.). Bureau of Planning; Portland (Or.)
(City of Portland (Or.), 2008-10-28)
This report was prepared as part of the River Plan project. The River Plan is a comprehensive
multi-objective plan for the Willamette River corridor in Portland and also serves as an update of
the City of Portland's ...
Portland (Or.). Bureau of Planning; Portland (Or.)
(City of Portland (Or.), 1994-01-19)
The Fanno Creek Plan has the following objectives:
to bring the City's comprehensive plan, zoning code, and zoning maps
into compliance with State Wide Planning Goals;
to reduce the threat to public health safety and ...
Portland (Or.). Bureau of Planning; Portland (Or.)
(City of Portland (Or.), 1999-10)
This document provides a summary of the State Goal 5 natural resource inventories
for City Resource Sites within the Fanno Creek Watershed. The summaries are
taken from the Fanno Creek and Tributaries Conservation Plan, ...
Portland (Or.); Portland (Or.). Bureau of Planning; Portland Parks and Recreation
(City of Portland (Or.), 1995-02)
The Forest Park Natural Resources Management Plan (NRMP) presents current information on natural resources in Forest Park and develops a set of goals and actions designed to guide management of natural resources and ...
Portland (Or.); Portland (Or.). Bureau of Environmental Services
(City of Portland (Or.), 2005-12)
The Framework for Integrated Management of Watershed Health describes how the City of
Portland plans to go about achieving and maintaining healthy conditions and ecological
functions in its urban waterways—specifically ...
Portland (Or.). Bureau of Planning; Portland (Or.)
(City of Portland (Or.), 1991-07-17)
The purpose of the Johnson Creek Basin Protection Plan is to identify, evaluate, and protect
significant fish and wildlife habitats, ecologically and scientifically significant natural areas, open
spaces, water bodies, ...
Portland (Or.). Bureau of Planning; Portland (Or.)
(City of Portland (Or.), 1998-06)
This document provides summaries of the State Goal 5 natural resource inventories for City
Resource Sites within the Johnson Creek Watershed. The summaries are taken from the
Johnson Creek Basin Protection Plan (JCBPP), ...
Portland (Or.); Portland (Or.). Bureau of Planning; Houck, Mike
(City of Portland (Or.), 1986-03)
The objective of this inventory is to update wildlife habitat information for the Willamette Greenway within Portland's city limits. [From the Inventory]
Portland (Or.); Portland (Or.). Bureau of Planning
(City of Portland (Or.), 2007-08)
The purpose of this inventory report is to provide clear and useful information on the location and the current
relative condition of riparian corridors and wildlife habitat located in and along the Willamette River in ...
Portland (Or.). Bureau of Planning; Portland (Or.)
(City of Portland (Or.), 2008-08-19)
The Natural Resource Inventory Update project is part of Portland's long-standing investment in
conserving the natural resources in the City. Previous inventories produced by the City did not have access to GIS information ...
Portland (Or.); Portland (Or.). Bureau of Planning; Portland (Or.). Bureau of Environmental Services; Portland Parks and Recreation; Metro (Or.)
(City of Portland (Or.), 2007-06)
This document summarizes Portland’s Natural Resource
Inventory Update Project to date. A detailed account of
this work is documented in the Portland Natural Resource
Inventory: Riparian Corridors and Wildlife Habitat. ...
Portland (Or.); Portland (Or.). Bureau of Planning; Mitchell Nelson Welborn Reimann Partnership; Oakley Engineering, Inc; Sharp, Lynn; Fishman Environmental Services; Central Testing Laboratories
(City of Portland (Or.), 1997-06-12)
The purpose of the Natural Resources Management Plan for Peninsula Drainage District No. 1 (NRMP) is to manage the wetlands, wildlife habitat, and other natural resources located on both public and private land within the ...
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