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  • Bend-Fort Rock Ranger District (Or.) (2003-08-11)
    Announces categorical exclusion of project replacing the 4-foot wide Bridge Creek bridge, which broke in the middle under heavy snow with a single log stringer bridge with handrails. Also includes replacing the aging Spring ...
  • Bend-Fort Rock Ranger District (Or.) (2002-04-10)
    Proposes to reconstruct 34 miles of existing trail, relocate approximately 2 trail miles that are located in areas of soil and erosion concern, construct about 3 miles of new mostly mountain bike trail, and provide signs ...
  • McKenzie River Ranger District (Or.) (2008-04-18)
    Announces decision to implement Alternative B of the project EA, to thin 2463 acres, yielding a gross estimate of 47.8 million board feet of wood products that would be sold over 3 years beginning in fiscal year 2008. The ...
  • McKenzie River Ranger District (Or.) (2008-03)
    Proposes to thin 2463 acres, yielding a gross estimate of 47.8 million board feet of wood products that would be sold over 3 years beginning in fiscal year 2008. The objectives would be to restore structural diversity in ...
  • Detroit Ranger District (Or.) (2003-04-14)
    Announces decision to decommission .8 miles of road, including Road 2234-175 and its spurs to revegetate with forage seed and transplant trees at the entrance, providing a more effective barrier to off-highway vehicle use. ...
  • Sisters Ranger District (Or.) (2001-10-01)
    Announces decision to implement Alternative 2 of the project EA, responding to the high mortality caused by the spruce budworm by thinning some 170,000 board feet of green trees on approximately 630 acres of forest stands ...
  • Lookout Mountain Ranger District (Or.) (2008-08)
    Proposes to reauthorize grazing and issue grazing permits for the Crystal Springs and Burn allotments, addressing the demand for livestock forage, and also the concerns over increased water temperature, decreased bank ...
  • McKenzie River Ranger District (Or.) (2005-05)
    Proposes to implement a Master Plan that identifies a variety of improvements proposed to upgrade facilities and services for campers, comply with Americans with Disabilities Act and other special requirements, enhance the ...
  • Bend-Fort Rock Ranger District (Or.) (2004-02)
    Proposes to expand campground facilities at Rock Creek and Gull Point campgrounds. Includes constructing campsite access roads, new campsites and associated facilities, camp spurs, water lines and faucets, toilet buildings, ...
  • Lookout Mountain Ranger District (Or.) (2007-09-27)
    Announces decision to reauthorize livestock grazing under the same terms and conditions as the current grazing management, which is for 1100 ewe/lamb pairs from June 16 to September 30 for a total of 1177 Animal Unit Months ...
  • Blue Mountain Ranger District (Or.) (2006-07)
    Environmental assessment proposes to reduce fire hazard for an at-risk community in Grant County through the use of timber harvest, precommercial thinning, machine and hand piling, pile burning, and prescribed burning on ...
  • Bend-Fort Rock Ranger District (Or.) (2002-01-07)
    Proposes to respond to problematic conditions for the area surrounding Crane Prairie and Wickiup Reservoirs such as high stand densities, insect and disease infestations, and shifts in species compositions within the dry ...
  • Bend-Fort Rock Ranger District (Or.) (2001-11-21)
    Proposes to respond to problematic conditions in the area surrounding Crane Prairie and Wickiup Reservoirs such as high stand densities, insect and disease infestations, and shifts in species compositions within the dry ...
  • Bend-Fort Rock Ranger District (Or.) (2003-07)
    Proposes to reauthorize grazing permits, revise Allotment Management Plans, effect range improvements, and restructure allotment boundaries. Includes authorizing grazing in the Coyote, Cinder Hill, and Pine Martin allotments; ...
  • Lookout Mountain Ranger District (Or.) (2006-08-29)
    Announces decision to reissue a special use permit to the city for a municipal water system, including an 11, 263-foot transmission pipeline, 3 spring boxes, and their associated fencing. These facilities have been permitted ...
  • Sisters Ranger District (Or.) (1999-05)
    Proposes to sell 240 acres of National Forest lands under the authority of the 1958 National Forest Townsite Act to the city for a sewage and wastewater facility system. Conveyance would be limited to that essential to ...
  • Sisters Ranger District (Or.) (1999-07-26)
    Announces decision to implement Alternative C of the project EA, immediately approving 160 of the 240 acres of National Forest lands for conveyance to the City of Sisters under the authority of the 1958 National Forest ...
  • Mt. Hood National Forest (Agency : U.S.) (2007-06-18)
    Announces decision approving project which reconnects a side channel of the Clackamas River (near mile post 35) using a back hoe to create a small channel connected to the river at both ends. Logs will be installed to ...
  • Mt. Hood National Forest (Agency : U.S.) (2007)
    The project would reconnect a side channel of the Clackamas River (near mile post 35) using a back hoe to create a small channel connected to the river at both ends. Logs would be installed to add structure and pools. ...
  • Middle Fork Ranger District (Or.) (2004-04-16)
    Supplement, pursuant to an opinion and order from a 2003 lawsuit, discusses management of red tree voles, a Survey and Manage species, for the Clark timber sale of 1998 in the North Fork of Fall Creek drainage within the ...

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