Browsing Willamette National Forest by Title


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  • McKenzie River Ranger District (Or.) (2003-05)
    Proposes salvaging about 70 thousand board feet (MBF) of windthrown trees (about 15 log truck loads), felling about 31 hazard trees along the six-mile haul route as part of a timber sale contract intended to mitigate impacts ...
  • Detroit Ranger District (Or.) (2002-07)
    Proposes to thin approximately 1136 acres of second growth Douglas fir stands to reduce stocking levels, thin selected portions of riparian reserves, reconstruct roads, and build temporary roads in order to enhance the ...
  • Detroit Ranger District (Or.) (2002-07)
    Announces decision to implement Alternative 3 of project EA, which modifies the action to include operating restrictions for helicopter, timber harvest, and truck hauling to reduce the effects of noise on recreation visitors ...
  • McKenzie River Ranger District (Or.) (2007-01-11)
    Announces decision to implement Alternative A of the project EA, supplementing existing in-stream large woody material for aquatic habitat enhancement within an 8.5 mile reach of the South Fork McKenzie River and lower ...
  • McKenzie River Ranger District (Or.) (2006-11)
    Responds to South Fork McKenzie Watershed Analysis findings of loss of early life habitat for bull trout and spring Chinook salmon by proposing to supplement existing in-stream large woody material for aquatic habitat ...
  • McKenzie River Ranger District (Or.) (2001-06)
    Proposes to fall 205 hazardous trees on 22 acres adjacent to state and federal highways, and include 171 trees in a salvage timber sale that would yield an estimated 100 thousand board feet. The remaining 34 trees, including ...
  • Middle Fork Ranger District (Or.) (2004-04-16)
    Supplement, pursuant to an opinion and order from a 2003 lawsuit, discusses the application of management recommendations for survey and manage species found in the Straw Devil and East Devil timber sales area, located in ...
  • Detroit Ranger District (Or.) (2002-12)
    Proposes to treat eight forest stands totaling an estimated 187 acres within the East Humbug Creek drainage by removing most trees below 11 inches in diameter by either commercial thinning or understory removal or a ...
  • Detroit Ranger District (Or.) (2007-05-02)
    Announces decision to implement Alternative 2, constructing 100 parking places, a scenic overlook, new toilet, picnic tables, wooden rails and barriers, and information and educational signage.
  • Detroit Ranger District (Or.) (2007-03)
    Proposes to promote a safer, family-friendly atmosphere by providing a basic physical infrastructure, reconstructing road and parking areas, limiting capacity and fixing location, delineating and improving trails and ...
  • McKenzie River Ranger District (Or.) (2007)
    Announces decision to implement project removing approximately 185 wind-thrown and root sprung trees from 17 acres located along the McKenzie River near a section of the McKenzie River National Recreation Trail above the ...
  • McKenzie River Ranger District (Or.) (2003-05)
    Announces decision to implement Alternative B from project EA, using timber harvesting techniques, prescribed fire, and snag creation methods to approximate stand structures resulting from historic high security, ...
  • McKenzie River Ranger District (Or.) (2003-03)
    Proposes to implement portion of recommendations found in the Blue River Landscape Strategy, a recommended landscape management and watershed restoration plan, an administrative study designed to measure effects on the ...
  • Willamette National Forest (Agency : U.S.) (2008-09)
    Proposes to thin area of over 2,900 acres of dense, even-aged, uniform, single-story, 35- to 60-year old plantations. This alternative is expected to yield approximately 40 million board feet of timber sawlogs to meet the ...
  • McKenzie River Ranger District (Or.) (2006-12-07)
    Announces decision to implement Alternative B of the project EA, harvesting timber on 825 acres, yielding approximately 10.8 million board feet (MMBF). Includes moderate partial cutting on 591 acres, moderate partial cutting ...
  • McKenzie River Ranger District (Or.) (2006-10)
    Proposes to harvest timber on 825 acres, yielding approximately 10.8 million board feet (MMBF). Includes moderate partial cutting on 591 acres, moderate partial cutting with multi-story objectives on 121 acres, commercial ...
  • Detroit Ranger District (Or.) (2002-10-29)
    Announces decision to implement Alternative 4 eliminating the built-in mooring docks and the conceptual design changes in Alternative 5, converting and reconstructing the Upper Arm Recreation Site to a formal day-use site ...
  • Detroit Ranger District (Or.) (2002-06)
    Proposes to convert and reconstruct the Upper Arm Recreation Site to a formal day-use site with picnic, swimming, fishing, hiking, boat-in and interpretive facilities, while eliminating the five existing campsites. ...
  • McKenzie River Ranger District (Or.) (2007-06-14)
    Announces decision to implement Alternative 2 of the project EA, providing and maintaining opportunities for river-oriented recreation activities by relocating boat launches at Frissell and Bruckart launch sites, and ...
  • McKenzie River Ranger District (Or.) (2007-02)
    Proposes to provide and maintain opportunities for river-oriented recreation activities by relocating boat launches at Frissell and Bruckart launch sites, and reconstructing the existing launch at Paradise. Includes ...

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