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Browsing Local and Regional Documents Archive by Author "JD White (Firm)"
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Metro (Or.); North Clackamas Parks & Recreation District; Metro (Or.). Regional Parks and Greenspaces Dept.; Adolfson Associates; JD White (Firm)
(Metro (Or.), 2004-01)
The proposed Trolley Trail will run along a historic corridor once used by a streetcar
line that operated between Portland and Oregon City.... acquired a 6-mile stretch of the historic rail corridor between downtown ...
Portland (Or.); Portland (Or.). Bureau of Planning; Zimmer Gunsul Frasca; JD White (Firm)
(City of Portland (Or.), 2008-05-30)
The North Pearl District Plan (NPDP) is intended to guide public and
private investment and development decisions in the portion of the Pearl
District north of NW Lovejoy Street. The plan focuses on the creation of
a ...
Zimmer Gunsul Frasca; JD White (Firm); Portland (Or.). Bureau of Planning; Portland (Or.)
(City of Portland (Or.), 2007-06)
The North Pearl District Plan is a neighborhood plan intended to direct
public and private development and investment in the portion of the
Pearl District north of NW Lovejoy Street. [From the Plan]
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