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  • Cramer, Jennifer (2017)
    Our sensory systems allow us to navigate dynamic environments. For example, the olfactory system plays a key role in foraging behavior, such as the localization of an odor source. We will study sensory navigation in the ...
  • Wunderlich, Rebecca (Oregon Institute of Marine Biology, 1991)
    This two-sided map shows the OIMB (Oregon Institute of Marine Biology) trails on one side and both sides contain illustrations, text and tips on how to identify the vegetation found on the OIMB campus. This trail guide ...
  • Krishna Kumaran, Sahana (University of Oregon, 2021)
    Large arteries stiffen due to advancing age and they are associated with cognitive impairment. However, the direct effects of long-term large artery stiffness require further investigation. Therefore, we studied cognitive ...
  • Shah, Raj; McCarry, Beth; Deck, Brigid; Jaramillo, Santiago (University of Oregon, 2020)
    In-vivo two-photon calcium imaging is a powerful tool that enables us to measure the activity of hundreds of individual neurons simultaneously. To better understand how the brain processes sounds, we will use this imaging ...
  • Compton, Devan S.; Eick, Geeta; Liebert, Melissa; Kowal, Paul; Snodgrass, J. Josh; Sterner, Kirstin N. (University of Oregon, 2015)
    In collaboration with colleagues at the World Health Organization (WHO), we are conducting a longitudinal study on global AGEing and adult health (SAGE). The SAGE project seeks to investigate patterns and determinants of ...
  • Bedrick, Anja; Allcock, David (2022)
    An informational comic on the science behind quantum computing, exploring the physical technology of Ion traps, the science of quantum entanglement, and what quantum computing could mean for the world. An approachable ...
  • Kurushima, David (University of Oregon, 2006-01)
    Bicycle culture and bicycle advocacy, as a social and environmental movement, are considerably dynamic forces in Oregon today; yet, to the astonishment of many Oregonians, the history of bicycling and bicycle culture in ...
  • Bacon, Richard (University of Oregon, 2005)
    In 1971, the Oregon legislature, reflecting the state’s growing environmental consciousness, passed the Minimum Deposit Act, more commonly known as the “Bottle Bill.” The bill sought to combat litter by eliminating the ...
  • Murphy, Margret M. (University of Oregon, 2020-03-20)
    The components within Horror Media has been a topic of study for decades. A major gap in the scholarship is how representations within horror media impacts marginalized communities negatively. Using the first-person survival ...
  • Ehrenkranz, Lacey (University of Oregon, 2004)
    During the mid sixteenth century Titian completed six canvases for Philip II which represent themes from Ovid’s Metamorphoses. Commonly referred to as the poesie, the series is heralded as a tour de force for its portrayal ...
  • Mullen, Nicole (University of Oregon, 2021)
    Recent major events like the BLM and COVID-19 catalyze a need for teaching methods that foster critical thinking, curiosity, and nuanced thinking in K-12 classrooms. Philosophy for and with Children (P4wC) emerges as an ...
  • Kizziar, Ethan
    The excitability of the corticospinal pathway changes in a dynamic manner. Here, we used paired-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation (ppTMS) to test the hypothesis that rapid changes within motor cortex determine the ...
  • Alexander, Elijah L.
    Those with LGBTQ+ identities often live in the presence of “audiences” for whom they feel pressured to perform a heteronormative culture (Butler 1988). However, the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent lockdowns may have removed ...
  • Lu, Jingjie (University of Oregon, 2020)
    Early childhood is a critical time period for cognitive development, and children exposed to adverse familial stress may impair child cognitive development. Therefore, my hypothesis is parents with a greater stress index ...
  • Stalie, Pollyanna (University of Oregon, 2021-05-16)
    Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is a practical theory of discipline that focuses on prevention—rather than punishment,—and affirmation of preferred behavior. PBIS is primarily used in schools, and I ...
  • Keep, Abigail (University of Oregon, 2020)
    Jordan, Israel, and the Palestinian territories are among the most water-poor nations on earth. In the coming years, climate change, population increases, economic development, and the ongoing Syrian refugee crisis will ...
  • Jansen, Jacob
    The islet of Gozo, Malta is known for its rural landscapes and attractive tourist destinations. It’s also home to a variation of honeybees, maintained by the beekeepers of Gozo, and desired by farmers for the purpose ...
  • Beckman, Liam M. G.; Trieber, Erin L.; Weiblen, George D. (University of Oregon, 2015)
    Mutualisms, interactions between species that are beneficial to both partners, are useful systems for investigating how interactions may affect the evolution and diversification of lineages. Interactions between ants and ...
  • Dawson, Matthew; Dawson, Matthew; Bruckner, Joseph; Tallafuss, Alexandra; Washbourne, Phil (University of Oregon, 2020)
  • Tabor, Rowan (University of Oregon, 2017)
    As the late 19th century witnessed the third pandemic of bubonic plague in human history, early public health organizations were forced to combat the terrifying disease in a world being increasingly globalized by the Second ...

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