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Hackers of Resistance
(Fembot Collective, 2018-01)
Foriano, Laura; Jungnickel, Kat
(Fembot Collective, 2015)
Tanczer, Leonie
(Fembot Collective, 2015)
Jaksch, Marla L
(Fembot Collective, 2020-02)
Giving birth can be a life or death matter for many pregnant women. As a consequence of the high rates of maternal death in many countries, death in childbirth has come to be understood as an unfortunate yet accepted part ...
Conway, Daniel
(University of Oregon, 2015)
My aim in this essay is to pair Kierkegaard with the German-born philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900). I am particularly concerned to juxtapose their complementary investigations in the etiology and operation of ...
Loza, Susana
(Fembot Collective, 2014-07)
Adams, Richard B.; Hunter, Warren C.
Stephen, Lynn
(University of Oregon, 2013)
This article embeds a discussion of contemporary transborder communities-- communities spread out in multiple locations in the U.S. and Mexico-- in the history of U.S.-Mexico relations as seen through the colonial and ...
Nokes, H. T.; Larsell, Olof, 1886-1964; Phillips, B. I.; Jones, Noble Wiley
Holland, Mary; Zachary, Chase E.
(University of Oregon School of Law, 2014-11-20)
This Article explores both the theory and practice of herd immunity. The authors evaluate the scientific assumptions underlying the theory, how the theory applies in law, a game theory approach to herd immunity, and a ...
Reiss, Dorit Rubinstein
(University of Oregon School of Law, 2016-01-27)
Unlike vaccine science, appropriate vaccine policy does not have a clear, evidence-based answer. The best policy for any given country is a complex question, and reasonable minds can differ on whether any type of mandate ...
Ba, Amadou Oury
(University of Oregon, 2020)
In his work Ideas for a Philosophy of Human History (1784-1791), the preacher and philosopher Johann Gottfried Herder deals critically with the philosophy of Enlightenment, in which he sees the seed of a racial and cultural ...
Werb, Dan
(University of Oregon School of Law, 2013-07-15)
Caulkins, Jonathan P.; Hawken, Angela; Kilmer, Beau; Kleiman, Mark A. R.; Pfrommer, Katherine; Pruess, Jacob; Shaw, Timothy
(University of Oregon School of Law, 2013-07-15)
(Museum of Natural History, University of OregonMuseum of Natural History,
University of Oregon, 1968-07)
The modern flora of the Pacific Northwest is characterized by associations which show affinities to floras
now occupying widely separated areas (Eurasia, South and Central America) and to floras shown by paleobotanical
evidence ...
Sagna, Olivier; Brun, Christophe; Huter, Steven
(University of Oregon LibrariesNetwork Startup Resource Center, 2013-08)
Schultz, Courtney A.
(University of Oregon School of Law, 2012)
Sagna, Olivier; Brun, Christophe; Huter, Steven
(University of Oregon LibrariesNetwork Startup Resource Center, 2013-08)
Palasri, Sirin; Huter, Steven; Wenzel, Zita
(University of Oregon LibrariesNetwork Startup Resource Center, 2013-05)
Thailand was an early participant in bringing the Internet to Asia, and
it has a fascinating, but little-known, networking history. The grassroots
efforts by a few dedicated and visionary university professors have
resulted ...
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