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Browsing Open Educational Resources by Subject "English language learners"
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Halverson, Andy
(American English Institute, University of Oregon, 2018)
For many language teachers around the world, the classrooms of today may look and feel very
different to those that we remember from our own childhood. In teacher training workshops and
professional development activities, ...
Opp-Beckman, Leslie
(American English Institute, University of Oregon, 2017)
The purpose of this handbook is to provide English language teachers of students ages 10-15
with support for their summer camps.
Sheppard, Beth; Heitman, Char; Tasker, Thomas
(University of Oregon, 2017)
In this packet you will find stories, vocabulary lessons, grammar lessons, and writing
assignments. We suggest that you work on one unit at a time. First, read the example stories. If
possible, talk about the stories ...
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