Browsing Finance Theses and Dissertations by Title


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  • Anthony, Andrea (University of Oregon, 2014-09-29)
    I examine the effect of ownership structure on firms' propensities to save the proceeds of a share issuance as cash. Specifically, I focus on changes in cash savings at the time of a seasoned equity offering (SEO), a moment ...
  • Tran, Hai (University of Oregon, 2015-08-18)
    Prior studies document that board directors who fail to act as effective monitors of management are penalized by the labor market in the form of fewer subsequent board seats. However, there is little evidence on how the ...
  • Chen, Xian (University of Oregon, 2021-09-13)
    Common owners are the (institutional) investors that hold equities of multiple firms. I examine the impact of common ownership of suppliers and customers on suppliers' innovation activities. I find suppliers' investment ...
  • Park, Heejin (University of Oregon, 2014-09-29)
    This study examines whether firms' decisions to offer company stock in defined contribution (DC) plans are explained by managers' corporate control motives. Using a large sample of proxy voting outcomes, I find that employee ...
  • Jang, Donghyeok (University of Oregon, 2022-10-04)
    I explore the role of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in mitigating agency issues in defined benefit (DB) pension plan management. Strong CSR firms tend to engage less in earnings management associated with executive ...
  • Yang, Jingyun (University of Oregon, 2018-09-06)
    The high flow-performance sensitivity in open-end municipal bond funds motivates fund managers to actively manage funding liquidity risk and reduce the costs of flow-driven transactions. Funds with volatile past flows build ...
  • Nguyen, Tu Cam (University of Oregon, 2011-09)
    Using data for publicly listed commercial banks and bank holding companies around the world, I investigate the market discipline effect of subordinated debt on banking firm risk taking in the period 2002-2008. In addition, ...
  • Genc, Egemen (University of Oregon, 2012)
    My dissertation consists of two essays on mutual funds. The first essay examines the role of extreme positive returns on future fund flows using maximum style-adjusted daily returns (hereafter MAX) over the previous month. ...
  • Turkiela, Jason (University of Oregon, 2014-10-17)
    Dividend payments to shareholders can create conflicts between debt and equity investors as these payments can expropriate wealth from bondholders to shareholders. However, dividend payments can also serve as a signal ...
  • Zhong, Wensong (University of Oregon, 2024-08-07)
    Using data from the Form 5500 filings, I analyze the impact of private equity (PE) buyouts on the defined benefit (DB) plans of target firms. I find that following a buyout, DB plans are more likely to be frozen or terminated, ...
  • Liu, Ying (University of Oregon, 2020-09-24)
    Using various measures for technological innovation, I show that corporate investment and hiring go up following technological advancements. The effect is stronger for firms with more industry- or firm-level innovations, ...
  • Liu, Chung-Shin (University of Oregon, 2011-12)
    This paper examines how competition faced by firms affects asset risk and expected returns. Contrary to Hou and Robinson's (2006) findings, I find that cross-industry variation in competition, as measured by the concentration ...
  • Xiao, Yi (University of Oregon, 2020-09-24)
    Using novel leverage and managerial ownership measures derived from public filings, this paper examines the role of managerial incentives in the use of leverage, in the context of hedge fund industry. I find a positive and ...
  • Pfiffer, Cameron (University of Oregon, 2022-10-26)
    I apply Bayesian methods to estimate parameters describing the relationship between firm earnings and unobserved common earnings shocks. I estimate a firm’s Bayesian cash-flow beta, which measures the comovement between ...
  • Dayani, Arash (University of Oregon, 2020-09-24)
    Frivolous patent-infringement claims increase the cost of innovation for small businesses and force them to exit via premature and discounted acquisitions. This study investigates the effect of abusive patent-infringement ...
  • Liu, Yu (University of Oregon, 2017-09-06)
    This paper investigates the impact of investment banks’ political contributions on their underwriting business with local government officials. Using an original data set on municipal underwriting banks political contributions ...
  • Eom, Chanyoung (University of Oregon, 2011-06)
    New equity shares are sold for raising capital via a primary seasoned equity offering (SEO). In their 2010 article, Murray Carlson, Adlai Fisher, and Ron Giammarino discovered an intriguing relationship between market ...
  • Park, Keun Jae (University of Oregon, 2015-08-18)
    I empirically evaluate three theoretical views of whether and how winning a high-profile CEO award affects innovation decisions. The agency theory predicts that receiving an award will increase managerial entrenchment and ...
  • Gamrat, Gretchen (University of Oregon, 2024-08-07)
    This study explores how product market competition and diversification relate to private and public firmresilience. Using retail scanner data, I construct firm-level measures of competition and product diversification ...

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