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  • Klamath Falls (Or.); Klamath Falls (Or.). Dept. of Planning; Klamath Consulting Services; HGE Engineers; Hopkins, Joseph; STR Engineers; BWR Associates; Powers, Peter (City of Klamath Falls (Or.), 1979-01-16)
    The Plan is designed as a framework for all decisions and actions relating to the community. and is intended to provide an adequate, factual base for such decisions and actions. The Plan includes: historical background ...
  • La Grande (Or.); Lynn D. Steiger & Associates (City of La Grande (Or.), 2005-10-05)
    The three basic purposes of this Plan are (1) to encourage desirable growth, (2) to accommodate anticipated development, and (3) to make provisions for those uses which may be needed by a community, but which may have ...
  • Lafayette (Or.) (City of Lafayette (Or.), 2001)
    The development of the Comprehensive Plan occurred in several stages. The systems that make up the community were separated into elements under three main categories: Natural Resources, Community Resources and ...
  • Yamhill County (Or.); Lafayette (Or.) (City of Lafayette (Or.), 1979-05)
    This Plan is divided into four sections. The first three sections present the goals and policies concerning Natural Resources, Community Resources and Community Development of Lafayette. The fourth section discusses ...
  • Yamhill County (Or.); Lafayette (Or.) (City of Lafayette (Or.), 1979-05)
    The material in this Planning Atlas is a synthesis of the information gathered and discussed during the development of the Lafayette Comprehensive Land Use Plan. The City's land use goals and policies, derived from this ...
  • Lake Oswego (Or.); Lake Oswego (Or.). Planning Dept. (City of Lake Oswego (Or.), 1999-05-20)
    The Comprehensive Plan has been prepared to reflect the organization of the Statewide Planning Goals which apply to Lake Oswego....Goals, policies and recommended action measures identify the intent of the City to ...
  • Lakeview (Or.); Lynn D. Steiger & Associates; A.R. Dick Brown Planning Consultant (City of Lakeview (Or.), 1988-11)
    This Comprehensive Plan, referred to hereinafter as the Plan, is a public document prepared by the governing body assisted by advisory committees, Planning Commission members and community residents. It provides long-range ...
  • Lebanon (Or.); ECO Northwest, Ltd.; Angelo Eaton & Associates (City of Lebanon (Or.), 2004-12-08)
    The Comprehensive Plan is a long-range policy document giving direction to development within the City’s Urban Growth Boundary (UGB), including the territory inside both the City limits and the Urban Growth Area (UGA). ...
  • Lebanon (Or.); Architectural Associates (City of Lebanon (Or.), 1973-05-15)
    The Comprehensive Plan is intended to insure that Lebanon's livability will be enhanced rather than weakened in the face of growth and change. [From the Plan]
  • Lexington (Or.); East Central Oregon Association of Counties; Umatilla County (Or.). Planning Dept. (City of Lexington (Or.), 1979-06)
    The comprehensive plan is the public's conclusions about the development and conservation of the area, adopted by the appropriate City Council or the County Commissioners, and agreed to by all affected governmental ...
  • Lincoln City (Or.); Lincoln City (Or.). Dept. of Planning and Community Development (City of Lincoln City (Or.), 1998-10)
    The Comprehensive Plan of the City of Lincoln City is a document which guides land use decisions in the City of Lincoln City. The Plan identifies issues and problems in the City of Lincoln City and considers social, economic, ...
  • Lincoln City (Or.) (City of Lincoln City (Or.), 1984-01-23)
    To establish an Urban Growth Boundary, statewide planning goals require the review of seven factors or criteria.... The following is a factor by factor justification of Lincoln City's Urban Growth Boundary. [From the document]
  • Lynn D. Steiger & Associates; Long Creek (Or.) (City of Long Creek (Or.), 1985-06-10)
    The overall purpose of the Plan is to attempt to describe a pathway into the future. [From the Plan]
  • Lowell (Or.) (City of Lowell (Or.), 2005-11-15)
    The Lowell Comprehensive Plan 2005 is the first up-date of the Plan since acknowledgment by the State of Oregon Land Conservation and Development Commission in 1982 and subsequent Amendments in 1989. [From the Plan]
  • Tenneson Engineering Corp.; Madras (Or.) (City of Madras (Or.), 2003-12-12)
    The plan is divided into four basic elements. The first element, the Introduction, outlines the reasons for land use planning, the process by which it is done, and the Citizen's Involvement Program. The second element, ...
  • Madras (Or.); Jefferson County (Or.); Tenneson Engineering Corp. (City of Madras (Or.), 1979-06-17)
    The plan is divided into four basic elements. The first element, the Introduction, outlines the reasons for land use planning. the process by which it is done. and the Citizens' Involvement Program. The second element, ...
  • Malin (Or.); Lynn D. Steiger & Associates (City of Malin (Or.), 1980-04)
    The Malin Comprehensive Plan.... will serve as a useful guide for both private and public investments and improvements in the years to come.... provide[s] for growth of various types, i.e., residential, commercial and ...
  • Manzanita (Or.) (City of Manzanita (Or.), 2006-09-18)
    The Comprehensive Plan is the most important land use document of the City of Manzanita. Its purpose is to establish goals, objectives and policies for the future of the community. The Comprehensive Plan has the force of ...
  • Maupin (Or.); Mid-Columbia Council of Governments (Maupin (Or.), 1980-05)
    This comprehensive plan is being developed for the City of Maupin to serve as the guiding document for all land use decisions. It is designed to do several things: to insure the future livability, so that Maupin is at least ...
  • McMinnville (Or.) (City of McMinnville (Or.), 2004-11-14)
    McMinnville’s Comprehensive Plan has been divided into three interrelated volumes.... Volume II, Goals and Policies, contains the goal, policy, and proposal statements which shall be applied to all land use decisions. [From ...

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