Browsing Planning, Public Policy and Management Capstone and Terminal Projects by Subject "Resilience"


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  • Hammarback, Kate; Gowan, Christian; Deiters, MaryBeth; Cannon, Kea; Branch, Lauren (2017-06-09)
    The overarching goal of the project is to answer the question: How does Conservation Capital engage with coastal Oregon to attract funding in natural hazard mitigation for a CSZ event? To address the research question, the ...
  • Corvello, Alexandra (Department of Planning, Public Policy and Management, University of Oregon, 2019)
    As the risks facing communities rapidly change, the need for assessing community-level resilience increases. Resilience is the ability to mitigate, prepare for, adapt to, recover, or avoid disruptive events (Cutter, 2016). ...
  • Jackson, Maureen (Department of Planning, Public Policy & Management, University of Oregon, 2016-06)
    Resiliency is an ability of a system to deal with change and continue to develop. Resilient communities have a high capacity to absorb and recover quickly from disruptions and events such as natural hazards. Oregon’s coastal ...

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