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Browsing Sub-area plans by Title
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Gresham (Or.); ECO Northwest, Ltd.; Gresham Redevelopment Commission; Gleason Group; Farkas Group; SERA Architects; Whitlow, Dave; Johnson Gardner; Communitas LLC
(City of Gresham (Or.), 2006-03)
This plan summarizes the physical and market conditions related to the newly acquired property
and reviews the previous planning work done. It recommends minimal refinements and suggests
five action steps to begin ...
Gresham (Or.); Gresham (Or.). Community & Economic Development Dept.; Otak, Inc.; Winterbrook Planning (Firm); Angelo Eaton & Associates; Adolfson Associates; Parametrix, Inc.; DKS Associates
(City of Gresham (Or.), 2005-01-06)
On May 14, 2002, the Pleasant Valley Concept Plan Steering Committee endorsed a Concept Plan and set of Implementation Strategies for the valley. The central theme of the plan is to create an urban community through the ...
Gresham (Or.); Gresham (Or.). Community Development Dept.
(City of Gresham (Or.), 1998-12)
The Rockwood Action Plan is intended to serve as a blueprint for revitalizing the
Rockwood district of Gresham, and to support its evolution toward a thriving, live/work
community. [From the Plan]
Gresham (Or.)
(City of Gresham (Or.), 2000)
The Rockwood Action Plan serves as a blueprint for revitalizing the Rockwood district of
Gresham, supporting its evolution toward a thriving, live/work community. The action plan
builds on the Central Rockwood Land Use ...
Gresham (Or.); Multnomah County (Or.); Tri-Met
(City of Gresham (Or.), 2001-09)
Rockwood Commons is envisioned to be a mixed-use project, developed on Tri-Met’s Park
and Ride lot in the Rockwood “Triangle” at 182nd and East Burnside in Gresham. The
project’s public partners are the City of Gresham, ...
Gresham (Or.); Gresham Redevelopment Commission
(City of Gresham (Or.), 2007)
The revitalization of the Rockwood
neighborhood is extremely important
to the City of Gresham. The Cultural
Marketplace project will not only change
lives, it will set the standard for future
development in the area. ...
Gresham (Or.); Barney & Worth, Inc.; E.D. Hovee & Company; Tashman Johnson LLC
(City of Gresham (Or.), 2001-11)
The study finds that urban renewal can help Rockwood–West Gresham become a more competitive and
desirable location for new commercial business, industry and housing by providing the means to:
support development of vacant, ...
Gresham (Or.); Gresham Redevelopment Commission; Marketek, Inc.; Urbsworks; David Evans and Associates
(City of Gresham (Or.), 2005-06-30)
The charge to the project team was to prepare:
a Design Vision for the Rockwood Town Center;
a Street Plan that maximizes neighborhood circulation and encourages pedestrian, bicycle and transit travel;
a Market Analysis ...
Davis Hibbitts & McCaig; Tashman Johnson LLC; Launer, Jeannette M.; E.D. Hovee & Company; Gresham (Or.); Gresham (Or.). Community & Economic Development Dept.
(City of Gresham (Or.), 2003-11-04)
This Rockwood-West Gresham Renewal Plan (the â Planâ ) calls for an urban renewal program within Rockwood-West Gresham. Urban renewal programs are used by cities and counties throughout Oregon to improve conditions in ...
Gresham (Or.); Gresham Redevelopment Commission
(City of Gresham (Or.), 2007-05-17)
The purpose of this study is to identify opportunities for industrial growth and recommend a
strategic approach that will better support and retain existing industrial businesses within the
study area and attract new ...
Gresham (Or.); Gresham (Or.). Community & Economic Development Dept.; Gresham (Or.). Dept. of Environmental Services
(City of Gresham (Or.), 2005-09-20)
The Springwater area was added to the region’s Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) in December
2002 to meet a growing demand for industrial land in the region and provide high value, familywage
jobs for east Multnomah County. ...
Happy Valley (Or.)
(City of Happy Valley (Or.), 2007-10)
The Rock Creek Comprehensive Plan illustrates a cohesive concept for new neighborhoods, employment opportunities, transportation connections, parks, and open spaces in the Rock Creek area. It has been created to guide the ...
Happy Valley (Or.)
(City of Happy Valley (Or.), 2003-02)
The Rock Creek Comprehensive Plan illustrates a cohesive concept for new neighborhoods, employment opportunities, transportation connections, parks, and open spaces in the Rock Creek area. It has been created to guide the ...
Hillsboro (Or.); Angelo Planning Group; CH2M Hill, inc.; Leland Consulting Group; DKS Associates; Pam Baker Consulting
(City of Hillsboro (Or.), 2007-11-06)
The following is a summary of the objectives and expected outcomes of the Evergreen
Concept Plan planning process:
compliance with Metro’s Concept Planning requirements and the conditions
that the Metro Council placed ...
Hillsboro (Or.); Angelo Planning Group; CH2M Hill, inc.; Leland Consulting Group; DKS Associates; Jeanne Lawson Associates; Pam Baker Consulting
(City of Hillsboro (Or.), 2007-11-06)
The following is a summary of the objectives and expected outcomes of the Helvetia
Concept Plan planning process:
compliance with Metro’s Concept Planning requirements and the
conditions that the Metro Council placed ...
PB PlaceMaking; Leland Consulting Group; Hillsboro (Or.)
(Hillsboro (Or.), 2006-07)
[C]reate a vibrant regional
activity center enlivened with high quality
pedestrian and environmental
amenities, taking advantage of the
region's light rail system. [From the document]
Hillsboro (Or.); Christine Rains Graphic Design; Lennertz Coyle & Associates
(City of Hillsboro (Or.), 2000-11)
The Tanasbourne Town Center Plan represents The City of Hillsboro's planning response to the adopted Metro 2040 Growth Concept which designates the Tanasbourne area of the City as a "2040 Town Center".... [the City will] ...
DKS Associates; Kittelson & Associates; Fletcher Farr Ayotte; Johnson Gardner; ECO Northwest, Ltd.; Group MacKenzie; Hillsboro (Or.); Parsons Brinckerhoff
(City of Hillsboro (Or.), 2004-02)
The design for Witch Hazel
Village reflects refinements
and advancements to previous
planning efforts that date back
to 1997 when Metro, the
regional government, identified
the area for future Urban
Growth Boundary ...
Hubbard (Or.); Oregon Downtown Development Association; VanderZanden, Mark; Bernhardt, Magnus; Bosch, Mary; Dugger, Vicki
(City of Hubbard (Or.), 2003-06-26)
This report is a summary of information collected and synthesized by the ODDA
Resource Team while working in Hubbard May 24-26, 2003. It is based on the
information presented at the May 26th final presentation. The ...
Junction City (Or.); Lane Council of Governments (Or.)
(City of Junction City (Or.), 2003-06-24)
The plan creates a vision for Junction City’s downtown and will be the
basis for future transportation-related capital improvements and land uses in
the downtown. The proposed projects shown in this plan are intended to ...
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