Browsing Undergraduate Research Symposium by Subject "RNA"


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  • Wonderlick, Daria (University of Oregon, 2020)
    Designing better biomolecules is a long-standing goal for biochemists. Doing so requires a rigorous understanding of how the sequence of a biomolecule determines its properties. Sequence changes, known as mutations, alter ...
  • Mostales, Joshua Calixterio
    Transcription, the first step of gene expression, is a process fundamental to all known forms of life. In eukaryotic cells, the enzyme RNA polymerase II (Pol II) executes transcription by moving forward along the DNA and ...
  • Evarts, Jacob; Garcia, David (University of Oregon, 2020)
    Prions have long been closely associated with fatal neurodegenerative diseases. Recent evidence suggests that prions provide an additional class of epigenetic mechanism that works at a rapid pace. From an evolutionary ...

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