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Browsing Decision Research Faculty Works by Author "Braman, Donald"
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Kahan, Dan; Slovic, Paul; Braman, Donald; Gastil, John; Cohen, Geoffrey
(Yale Law School, 2007-03)
Despite knowing little about nanotechnology (so to speak), members of
the public readily form opinions on whether its potential risks outweigh
its potential benefits. On what basis are they forming their judgments?
How ...
Kahan, Dan; Slovic, Paul; Braman, Donald; Gastil, John
(Harvard Law School, 2006-01-01)
Kahan, Dan; Gastil, John; Braman, Donald; Cohen, Geoffrey; Slovic, Paul
(Yale Law School, 2007-10)
Cultural Cognition refers to the disposition to conform one's beliefs about societal risks to one's preferences for how society should be organized. Based on surveys and experiments involving some 5,000 Americans, the ...
Kahan, Dan; Peters, Ellen; Braman, Donald; Slovic, Paul; Wittlin, Maggie; Larrimore Ouellette, Lisa; Mandel, Gregory
(Yale Law School, 2011)
The conventional explanation for controversy over climate change emphasizes impediments to public understanding: limited popular knowledge of science, the inability of ordinary citizens to assess technical information, and ...
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