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Browsing Historic Theses and Dissertations by Title
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Artau, Louis P.
Burkett, Gladys R.
(University of Oregon, 1932-06)
This study of the relationship of age, intelligence, judgment and amount of schooling to conduct, was carried on with a threefold purpose. ( 1 ) to discover the relative importance of age, intelligence and amount of schooling ...
Akers, Estel N.
It is the aim of this thesis to describe the business of producing and marketing rubber, from its earliest history, on through the process of evolution to the present day scientific methods which go far in furnishing a ...
Hill, Daniel G., Jr.
(University of Oregon, 1932-06)
The purpose of this study is to make a survey of the Negro population in Oregon and to discover the historical and sociological factors which have determined and limited his residence here. The writer does not pretend to ...
Buloan, Julian
(University of Oregon, 1926-05-24)
There is a general agreement among American statesmen and historians that the acquisition of the Philippine islands, at the time of Dewey’s brilliant victory at Manila Bay, was unforeseen and unexpected. It is also stated ...
Whitaker, Helen Eleanor
Washburn, Orson Monroe
(University of Oregon, 1927-07)
The textbook treatment of city functions must be general to meet the countrywide use of the books. The limited space which the books can devote to city government permits only the briefest treatment of this phase of the ...
Gerlinger, Irene Hazard
(University of Oregon, 1930-05)
In the effort to check with evidence against what had for some time been a growing conviction that the Renaissance had arrived or was in the process of arriving in America, and as the result of interest created through ...
Gerlinger, Irene Hazard
Cogswell, Marjory K.
(University of Oregon, 1915)
Our forefathers tried by two methods to gain an “government of the people, by the people, for the people” -- first they split up the power of government into many distinct offices so that the power of each office holder ...
Tavenner, R. W.
(University of Oregon, 1924-07)
This thesis lies within the extra-curricular activity field, and deals with the problem of its control. It is generally conceded that the government of this phase of school work can well be done, in part at least, by the ...
Hoffman, H. H.
(University of Oregon, 1910)
An efficient system of public instruction must take into account the mental, moral, and physical differences of children. These differences are far more pronounced than one who has not investigated the subject would believe. ...
Wold, P. I.
This study was carried on chiefly to find in what manner the candle-power of an incandescent lamp varies with the voltage at the terminals of the lamp.
Klink, Chester A.
(University of Oregon, 1934-07)
A technical high school in a best modern sense of the term may be said to be characterized by (1) the academic subjects of the traditional high school – English, mathematics, science, history, civics, and economies, with ...
Hamill, Robert M.
(University of Oregon, 1934-08)
In attempting this survey the idea has been not only to discuss the present situation in Portland from a vocational viewpoint but also to give the present situation a proper setting in the general field of education. A ...
Mangavil y Ramos, Florendo
(University of Oregon, 1933-03-10)
The victory of Admiral Dewey over the Spanish squadron on that memorable battle of Manila Bay on May 1, 1898 ended the despotism and tyranny of Spain over the people of the Philippine Islands; and, at the same time ushered ...
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