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Browsing Linguistics Theses and Dissertations by Title
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Jansen, Joana Worth
(University of Oregon, 2010-06)
Yakima Ichishkíin/Sahaptin is spoken in the Yakama Nation, located in the Pacific Northwest of the United States in what is now south central Washington State. The Ichishkíin and Nez Perce languages comprise the Sahaptian ...
Pena, Jaime G.
(University of Oregon, 2009-09)
In this thesis, a reconstruction of Proto-Peba-Yagua is attempted using the
comparative method. Peba-Yagua had three members in the past: Yagua, Peba
and Yameo. Yagua is the only extant member of the family. Information ...
Hall, Jaeci
(University of Oregon, 2021-11-23)
Doing linguistic research for the purpose of language revitalization, academic inclusion, and social justice fundamentally changes the perspective, questions, and goals of the work. Framing this research in a traditional ...
Potratz, Jill
(University of Oregon, 2023-03-24)
Speech-language pathologists (SLPs) make impressionistic intelligibility judgments as part of an evaluation of children for speech sound disorders. Despite the lack of formalization, it is an important measure of choice ...
Raksachat, Milntra
(University of Oregon, 2024-01-09)
This study is an investigation of information packaging or information structure properties associated with selected productive morphosyntactic constructions in Isaan narrative texts. The description and analysis of ...
Piotrowski, Jennifer A.
(University of Oregon, 2009-09)
Towards a more complete description of cleft constructions, this thesis comprises
an investigation of the prosody, syntax, and information structure of IT clefts, REVERSE
WH clefts, and existential THERE clefts in Spoken ...
Wood, Daniel Cody
(University of Oregon, 2008-12)
This study attempts to reconstruct Proto-Boro-Garo (PBG), the ancient language
from which the modern Boro-Garo (BG) family evolved. BG is a largely underdocumented
sub-branch of Tibeto-Burman that is spoken primarily in ...
Teo, Amos
(University of Oregon, 2020-02-27)
One goal in linguistics is to model how speakers use natural language to convey different kinds of information. In theories of grammar, two kinds of information: “who is doing what (and to whom)”, the technical term for ...
Lu, Jung-yao
(University of Oregon, 2012)
This dissertation investigates the diachronic development of Chinese and Naxi, focusing particularly upon six linguistic puzzles that are likely to be associated with the various linguistic changes in most areas of the ...
Taylor-Adams, Allison
(University of Oregon, 2022-10-26)
This dissertation investigates the initial and ongoing motivations of language revitalization practitioners. This study extends our understandings of language revitalization from the programmatic and sociological levels ...
Farrington, Charles
(University of Oregon, 2019-09-18)
The Great Migration of African Americans out of the rural South between 1915 and 1970 is the reason why African American Language (AAL) is found across a wide geographic range in the United States. This massive demographic ...
Paterson, Rebecca
(University of Oregon, 2020-02-27)
U̠t-Ma'in is a Kainji, East Benue-Congo language, spoken in northwestern Nigeria (ISO 639-3 code [gel]). This study contributes to our understanding of Benue-Congo languages by offering the first indepth look at nominalization ...
Konnerth, Linda Anna, 1985-
(University of Oregon, 2009-09)
Nominalization and its various functions is a topic of considerable current interest
in Tibeto-Burman (TB) studies and has both typological and historical implications. This
thesis documents and discusses data of ...
Shirtz, Shahar
(University of Oregon, 2017-09-06)
This is a study of processes of structural and functional diversification of the uses of three cognate verbs across the Indo-Iranian language family: “do/make”, “be/become”, and “give”. First, this study identifies over ...
Olejarczuk, Paul
(University of Oregon, 2019-01-11)
This dissertation explores the relationship between English phonotactics – sequential dependencies between adjacent segments – and the metrical parse, which relies on the division of words into syllables. Most current ...
Valdez Jara, Yolanda
(University of Oregon, 2014-06-17)
The Rarómuri, or Urique Tarahumara (UT), language belongs to the Taracahitian sub-branch of the Uto-Aztecan family. There are five major linguistics variants called Tarahumara, all spoken in Chihuahua state in northern ...
Kato, Misaki
(University of Oregon, 2020-12-08)
One important factor that contributes to successful speech communication is an individual’s ability to speak more clearly when their listeners do not understand their speech. Though native talkers are able to implement ...
McLarty, Jason
(University of Oregon, 2020-02-27)
Although much work has investigated various aspects of African American English (AAE), prosodic features of AAE have remained relatively underexamined (e.g. McLarty 2018; Thomas 2015). Studies have, however, identified ...
Chen, Ying
(University of Oregon, 2014-10-17)
Prosodic focus is phonetically realized by increasing duration, F0 and intensity on the focused constituents in a sentence. In some languages, there is a concomitant compression of F0 and intensity after the focused item, ...
Mathieu-Reeves, Danielle Gilberte, 1984-
(University of Oregon, 2009-06)
Yimas, a Nor-Pondo language of the Lower Sepik-Ramu in Papua New Guinea,
has two causative constructions and one attemptive construction that appear to have
developed historically from a particular kind of serial verb ...
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