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Petersen, Phoebe
(University of Oregon, 2012)
Although not well known, Oregon’s intentional communities date back over one hundred
and fifty years. Oregon communalism reached its peak in the 1970s when there was a
huge growth in lesbian intentional communities in ...
Stamp, Adam Michel
(University of Oregon, 2006)
Bigalke, Brittany; Kimmy, Ertel; Liston, Matthew; Park, Alex; Russell, Alexandria; Silva, Matt
(University of Oregon, 2011-03-16)
The prevention of fire regimes, in combination with increasing urbanization, has led to a drastic decline in woodland oak habitats over the past 150 years in the Pacific Northwest. Currently, less than 2% of pre-European ...
Schwindt, Karen Elise
(University of Oregon, 2009)
Kurushima, David
(University of Oregon, 2006-01)
Bicycle culture and bicycle advocacy, as a social and environmental movement, are considerably dynamic forces in Oregon today; yet, to the astonishment of many Oregonians, the history of bicycling and bicycle culture in ...
Bacon, Richard
(University of Oregon, 2005)
In 1971, the Oregon legislature, reflecting the state’s growing environmental consciousness, passed the Minimum Deposit Act, more commonly known as the “Bottle Bill.” The bill sought to combat litter by eliminating the ...
Ehrenkranz, Lacey
(University of Oregon, 2004)
During the mid sixteenth century Titian completed six canvases for Philip II which represent themes from Ovid’s Metamorphoses. Commonly referred to as the poesie, the series is heralded as a tour de force for its portrayal ...
Tabor, Rowan
(University of Oregon, 2017)
As the late 19th century witnessed the third pandemic of bubonic plague in human history, early public health organizations were forced to combat the terrifying disease in a world being increasingly globalized by the Second ...
Jones, Ellie Sophie
(University of Oregon, 2019-05)
Recent calculations estimate there are currently 5.25 trillion plastic particles afloat in the ocean. Many of these are characterized as microplastics <5mm in diameter. Studies from the past decade have shown that no ...
Poplack, Aaron; Kopec, Kelsey; Johnson, Chelsea; Pacheco, Miguel; Daly, Keane; Cypel, Bret; Maxon, Meagan; Whitcomb, Amanda; Ward, Lauren
(University of Oregon, 2012-06-10)
The Sustainable Farms Team, as a part of the University of Oregon’s Environmental Leadership Program (ELP), created this Pollinator Conservation Plan to provide the Berggren Demonstration Farm with a comprehensive guide ...
McGee, Samantha
(University of Oregon, 2018-06)
Cyprus’ location just beneath the Anatolian peninsula has made the island a
meeting ground of many of the iconic Mediterranean powers of history, including
Greece, Egypt, Assyria, and Persia. There has been a great deal ...
Davis, Kayla R.
(University of Oregon, 2020-06)
Previous studies have shown a link between survivors’ stroke severity and
family caregiver burden, however other factors may contribute to this burden. Burden
specific to post-stroke dysphagia and the consequences of ...
Murphy, John Paul
(University of Oregon, 2005)
The Order of the Society Jesus was among the foremost creators and commissioners of Counter-Reformation Baroque art. Founded in 1534 by St. Ignatius of Loyola, the Jesuits came to be regarded as one of the most potent ...
Collins, Cheyenne Dakota
(University of Oregon, 2019)
Determining time since death (post-mortem interval or PMI) is an essential part of medico-legal death investigations. PMI can give investigators important information about time of death and may help answer questions about ...
Brunk, David
(University of Oregon, 2015)
When the Reading Railroad combined with two other railroad companies in 1892, it controlled more than half of New York City’s market for anthracite coal. Twelve months later, the company collapsed. This paper tracks the ...
Eccleston, Jenette
(University of Oregon, 2007)
Rosman, John; Rutledge, Eric
(University of Oregon, 2008)
"Re-creation" of Ed's Coed, piecing together the old film and the stills from Special Collections against the current backdrop of campus. Executive producer: Jon Palfreman. Narrated by Al Stavitsky.
Rothman, Angela
(University of Oregon, 2016)
Protests against established power in the United States grew between the years 1967 and 1968 because dramatic aspects of political and cultural rebellion manifested in theatrical methods. Prominent examples include the ...
Glass, Rowan
(University of Oregon, 2023)
Where there is colonial power, there is Indigenous resistance. Latin America offers many case studies for an analysis of Indigenous cultural survival, historically and to the present day. While some have received considerable ...
Getz, Madeleine
(University of Oregon, 2022)
Residents of Grants Pass, Oregon, may have known their rural community was changing
when five lesbians from Montreal settled outside the town in 1974 and established WomanShare,
an all-female lesbian separatist collective. ...
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