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Browsing Economics Theses and Dissertations by Title
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Sipic, Toni, 1981-
(University of Oregon, 2011-06)
In Chapter II I analyze eco-labeling in the tourism industry, specifically the impact of the Blue Flag label for marinas and beaches on prices of marina slip rentals, weekly sailboat charter prices and hotel accommodation ...
Corbett, Colin
(University of Oregon, 2016-10-27)
In this dissertation, we experimentally examine individual preferences of effort, including time and risk preferences. In Chapter 3, we find that at least in certain settings and mindsets, individuals are very patient in ...
Kim, Hi Young
(University of Oregon, 1961-06)
One of the most striking characteristics of the developing underdeveloped countries of today may be found in the fact that those countries are suffering from balance of payments difficulties. Korea is by no means an ...
McKenzie, Taylor
(University of Oregon, 2017-09-06)
Railroads have been subject to federal regulation since 1887. Due to the development of competing modes of transportation and changes in types of products being shipped, regulation began to impede efficiency and viability ...
King, Charles William
(University of Oregon, 1939-06)
While the thought by economic ills might be mollified by price fixing is by no means new, it has come into particular prominence during the Roosevelt administration. The N. R. A. It was the most ambitious and thoroughgoing ...
Check, Adam
(University of Oregon, 2016-10-27)
For the empirical macroeconomist, accounting for nonlinearities in data series by using regime switching techniques has a long history. Over the past 25 years, there have been tremendous advances in both the estimation of ...
Taylor, Matthew
(University of Oregon, 2012)
I collect data on subjects' information acquisition during real and hypothetical risky choices using process-tracing software called Mouselab. I also measure subjects' cognitive ability using the cognitive reflective test ...
Ryan, Mark Joseph, 1978-
(University of Oregon, 2011-09)
I develop a model in which a representative consumer selects an affordable consumption bundle, not as a single choice, but as the end result of a series of smaller, incremental purchase decisions. If the array of such ...
Fulton, Chad
(University of Oregon, 2016-10-27)
This dissertation explores the price-setting behavior of firms both
theoretically and empirically. The first portion constructs a theoretical model
of price-setting in which firms are rationally inattentive: they ...
Wells, Donald A.
(University of Oregon, 1961-06)
Foreign investments have been a traditional means less developed countries and areas to obtain resources from abroad and to
develop more quickly than if there were no outside assistance. The
types of investments and the ...
Jones, George Fredrick
(University of Oregon, 1951-06)
The period 1935-45 was a significant one in the economic
affairs of the United States. It saw the economy change from
one of deep depression and uncertainty to one of unparalleled
productivity, with the end of the decade ...
Smith, Grant R.
The Korean War which began in the summer of 1950 was to reimpose upon the world economy, only so recently recovered from the devastation of World War II, many new and pressing economic problems. The war touched off a ...
hart, evan
(University of Oregon, 2024-08-07)
In this dissertation, I investigate economic dynamics under the sticky information model as- sumption. First, I propose a novel method for evaluating the likelihood of a nonlinear model with time-varying parameters and ...
Higgins, Charles
(University of Oregon, 2014-09-29)
This dissertation examines changing macroeconomic volatility and some of the empirical difficulties associated with studying volatility. Macroeconomic volatility can potentially have large welfare costs, so understanding ...
Williams, Peter
(University of Oregon, 2011-03)
This dissertation emphasizes three aspects of structural change in economic development. Structural change is the process by which the distribution of economic output shifts from one sector to another and is crucial to ...
Sharma, Krishna Prasad
(University of Oregon, 1962-06)
In this work a study of the theory of economic growth under three different technological assumptions is attempted. The first of them is the famous Harrod’s model of economic growth which is based on the assumption of fixed ...
Borden, Theron Francis
(University of Oregon, 1940-06)
The main purpose of this study is to determine whether or not
the changes in agricultural technique and utilization of land in the
Dust Bowl area have been, and are, practical from the standpoint of
Economics, and, if ...
Walker, Esther Christensen
(University of Oregon, 1938-06)
Ricardo, father of the orthodox theory of the gold,
standard, asserts; "Gold and silver having been chosen
for the general medium of circulation, they are by the
competition of commerce distributed in such proportions
amongst ...
Clark, Dan E.
(University of Oregon, 1937-05-12)
If free trade is the tonic of my historical harmonic on tariff trends, their causes and effects, it is only because the authorities I quote and the experts upon whose economic writings I have drawn have favored in varying ...
Herzog, Ryan William, 1981-
(University of Oregon, 2008-12)
Feldstein and Horioka (1980) motivated the international finance literature by claiming a least squares regression of domestic investment rates on domestic savings rates is an informative measure of capital mobility. Their ...
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