Browsing Clark Honors College Theses by Author "Schlossberg, Marc"


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  • Bedrosian, Sarah-Anne (University of Oregon, 2023)
    Cities in the United States have an extensive history of displacement of marginalized communities, specifically during the 1950s and 60s. This displacement was primarily caused by federally funded urban renewal programs, ...
  • Hess, Rachel (University of Oregon, 2022)
    Two-lane one-way streets like Patterson St. in Eugene, Oregon are overbuilt to support car users and underserve a significant market of community members who cannot, or do not want to drive. The public right-of-way on ...
  • Ali, Taj (University of Oregon, 2023)
    This thesis focuses on the decision-making processes that go into a city or region hosting mega-sporting events, such as the Olympics or World Cup, as well as the legacies they leave behind when these events ultimately ...

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