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Hildreth, Richard G.
(Ocean and Coastal Law Center, School of Law, University of Oregon, 2000-10)
The New Carissa's 1999 groundings and oil spills on the Oregon coast tested state, federal, and international laws, regulations, and procedures designed to prevent such incidents or, when they do occur, to provide effective ...
Hildreth, Richard G.
Hildreth, Richard G.; Thompson, Jeanne
(Ocean and Coastal Law Center, School of Law, University of Oregon, 1994-05)
Hildreth, Richard G.; Dahlstrom, Carrie; Wilde, Marshall L.
(Ocean and Coastal Law Center, School of Law, University of Oregon, 1998-01)
Hildreth, Richard G.; Reim, Paul
(Ocean and Coastal Law Center, School of Law, University of Oregon, 1998-03)
Hildreth, Richard G.
Marine protected areas and marine reserves are being established in United States ocean waters under several federal and state laws. This article evaluates U.S. place-based ocean management from the perspectives of relevant ...
Hildreth, Richard G.; Jarman, M. Casey
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