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Stockard, Jean
(University of Oregon, 1992)
Notes prepared for students in Sociology 326, Quantitative Methods in Sociology.
Stockard, Jean; Gray, Jo Anna; O'Brien, Robert M.; Stone, Joe A.
(Oxford University Press, 2009-03)
We appreciate the opportunity to clarify and provide additional tests of
the key elements of our age-period-cohort analysis of non-marital birth
rates in this March 2009 issue of Social Forces. Where Steve Martin, in
the ...
Stone, Joe A.; Gray, Jo Anna; Stockard, Jean; O'Brien, Robert
(University of Oregon, Dept of Economics, 2008-01)
We employ newly developed methods to disentangle age, period and cohort
effects on nonmarital fertility ratios (NFRs) from 1972 to 2002 for black and white
women aged 20-44 in the United States. We focus on three cohort ...
Stockard, Jean
(National Institute for Direct Instruction (NIFDI), 2011)
During the 2010-2011 school year, students in grades K-2 at a Florida elementary school were randomly assigned to receive reading instruction in the Direct Instruction program Reading Mastery (RM), Signature Edition, or ...
Stockard, Jean
(National Institute for Direct Instruction (NIFDI), 2008-11)
This report examines data from two elementary schools in the Bethel, Oregon,
school district. One school adopted the Direct Instruction program, Reading Mastery, as
the core reading curriculum for the primary grades. The ...
Stockard, Jean; Wood, Timothy W.
(National Institute for Direct Instruction (NIFDI), 2012-07)
A recent report by the What Works Clearinghouse (2012) examined two studies of the use of
Reading Mastery with learning disabled students and concluded that it had “no discernible
effects on reading comprehension and ...
Stockard, Jean; Wood, Timothy W.
(National Institute for Direct Instruction (NIFDI), 2012-07)
A recent report by the What Works Clearinghouse (2012) examined two studies of the use of
Reading Mastery with learning disabled students and concluded that it had “no discernible
effects on reading comprehension and ...
Stockard, Jean
(National Institute for Direct Instruction (NIFDI), 2014-08-25)
The scholarly literature includes dozens of studies that show that the Direct Instruction
program, Reading Mastery (RM), is highly effective. Despite this large and consistent body of
work, a report published by the What ...
Stockard, Jean
(National Institute for Direct Instruction (NIFDI), 2014-07-17)
As the so-called “high stakes” tests have proliferated, students’ performance on state
developed and other forms of assessment has become a major concern of school officials.
Because the results of these tests often have ...
Stockard, Jean
This paper examines the relative status of women school
administrators using data from a representative, national sample.
Results indicate that the administrators varied significantly on
prestige-related variables ...
"We gave a conference and over 200 people came!" That was the animated response of one person who helped plan the first annual conference of Oregon Women in Educational Administration (OWEA). The conference, held June 21 ...
Stockard, Jean; Johnson, Miriam M.
The sample includes all juniors and seniors in Sweet Home High
School who were present in the required social studies classes on the
day the questionnaires were distributed in the spring of 1982. The
questionnaires were ...
Stockard, Jean
In response to a growing realization of the need to combat
population growth within this country, many observers have suggested adoption
as an alternative to biological child bearing. However, at the same time the
pool ...
Grey, Jo Anna; Stockard, Jean; Stone, Joe A.
(Duke University Press, 2009-02)
Our recent paper in Demography (Gray, Stockard, and Stone 2006) has attracted the close
scrutiny of several prominent academics. Three sets of formal comments, authored independently by
Ermisch, Martin, and Wu (EMW), ...
Stockard, Jean
Sylvia Hewlett's book, When the Bough Breaks: The Cost of Neglecting Our
Children, is written for a general lay audience but should also be of interest to
scholars concerned with children and the family. ln a lively and ...
Stone, Joe A.; Stockard, Jean; Gray, Jo Anna
(Department of Economics, University of Oregon, 2008-09)
In a 2006 article in Demography, Jo Anna Gray, Jean Stockard and Joe Stone (GSSi)observe that
among black women and white women ages 20 to 39, birth rates increased sharply for unmarried women
over the period 1974 to ...
Gray, Jo Anna; Stockard, Jean; Stone, Joe A.
(University of Oregon, Dept of Economics, 2008-09)
Gray, Jo Anna; Stockard, Jean; Stone, Joe A.
(University of Oregon, Dept of Economics, 2004-11-01)
Much of the sharp rise in the share of nonmarital births in the United States has been attributed to changes in the fertility choices of unmarried and married women - in response, it is often argued, to various public ...
Janke, Megan C.; Carpenter, Gaylene; Payne, Laura L.; Stockard, Jean
(Taylor & Francis Group, 2011)
This study examined the life experiences of adults and their effect on perceptions of
leisure. Data for this study came from A Study of Leisure during Adulthood (ASOLDA),
a 10-year study of the values, attitudes, and ...
Stockard, Jean; Mayberry, Maralee
(JAI Press Inc., 1990)
Most of the literature on the effect of environmental variables on student
achievement can be understood by utilizing two broad-ranging, key variables
presented in theoretical examinations of environmental or contextual ...
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