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Wood, Mary Christina
Mary Christina Wood is the Philip H. Knight Professor of Law and Faculty Director of the school's Environmental and Natural Resources Law Program. She teaches property law, natural resources law, public trust law, and federal Indian law; she has also taught public lands law, wildlife law, and hazardous waste law. She is the Founding Director of the school's nationally acclaimed Environmental and Natural Resources Law Program and is Faculty Leader of the Program's Conservation Trust Project, Sustainable Land Use Project, Native Environmental Sovereignty Project, and Food Resilience Project.
For more information, visit the School of Law's faculty web site.
Recent Submissions
Wood, Mary Christina
(University of Oregon Law School, 2007)
Wood, Mary Christina
(University of Oregon School of Law, 2001)
Wood, Mary Christina
(University of Oregon School of Law, 2004)
Mary Christina Wood is Professor of Law and Dean’s Distinguished Faculty Fellow; Director, Bowerman
Center for Environmental and Natural Resources Law, University of Oregon School
of Law. This is a keynote speech before ...
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