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Browsing Special Education Theses and Dissertations by Title
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Kurtz-Nelson, Evangeline
(University of Oregon, 2018-09-06)
Young children with intellectual and developmental disabilities are at increased risk of developing persistent mental health and behavior problems. While the link between parenting behavior and the development of problem ...
Yim-Dockery, Huna
(University of Oregon, 2019-09-18)
Parents of children with developmental disabilities (DD) often face much greater challenges with their caregiving demands, which often increase across time as the level of associated child problem behavior stabilizes and ...
Beattie, Tiffany
(University of Oregon, 2018-09-06)
The Simple View of Reading is a well-known lens for understanding the skills that contribute to proficient reading. The Simple View explains reading comprehension as the product of decoding and listening comprehension. ...
Arbuckle, Stacy
(University of Oregon, 2022-10-26)
Outdoor School (ODS) in Oregon is a regular educational experience for Oregon’s fifth and sixth graders. ODS programs and providers have identified training opportunities related to ensuring ODS is accessible and inclusive ...
Hirano, Kara
(University of Oregon, 2016-10-27)
This study evaluated a model of parent involvement in secondary special education and transition planning and identified motivators affecting a parent’s decision to become involved. Survey data were collected from a national ...
Nese, Rhonda
(University of Oregon, 2013-10-03)
During the Federal fiscal year of 2009, an estimated 3.3 million referrals involving the alleged maltreatment of children were received by child protective service agencies across the United States. Of those cases that ...
Makhiawala, Kenya
(University of Oregon, 2015-08-18)
Behavioral parent training programs have been widely used with caregivers to prevent and decrease challenging behaviors in young children with and without developmental delays and disabilities (DD). Although behavioral ...
Pool, Juli Lull, 1974-
(University of Oregon, 2008-03)
Identifying children with developmental delays or disabilities as early as possible is a growing concern and has increased focus on the development of valid, reliable screening tools. The previous editions of the Ages and ...
Singh, Ajay
(University of Oregon, 2015-08-18)
The psychometric properties of a parent-completed developmental questionnaire for children at 6 years of age were investigated. Currently, few developmental screening instruments for 6-year-old children have been validated, ...
Drew, Christine
(University of Oregon, 2020-02-27)
Children and adolescents with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) are more likely to engage in challenging behavior than their typically developing peers. Challenging behavior has been linked to many negative ...
Nolan, Kelsey
(University of Oregon, 2021-11-23)
Child behavior problems are predictive of a host of negative academic, behavioral, and social outcomes (Shinn, Ramsey, Walker, Stieber, & O’Neill, 1987; Wentzel, 1993; Reinke, Herman, Petras, & Ialongo, 2008; Vitaro, ...
Yadav, Asha
(University of Oregon, 2024-01-09)
Insufficient referral and participation in Part C Early Intervention (EI) services are common among children aged birth to 3 years, including those automatically eligible due to diagnosed medical conditions. States have ...
Griffin, Madeleine
(University of Oregon, 2024-01-09)
Historically, many caregivers are dissatisfied with their inclusion in their child’s EI services. As a potential solution to this problem, federal law mandates all states to provide parents with a procedural safeguard ...
Glenn, Elizabeth
(University of Oregon, 2024-01-09)
Background: Parents play a significant role in shaping children’s behaviors and their responses to emotions. Research has established a strong, bi-directional effect between parenting stress and children’s challenging ...
Felver, Sarah
(University of Oregon, 2013-10-03)
Social and emotional competencies have received increased attention as important components of school readiness for young children. Universal programs incorporating social and emotional learning (SEL) instruction for all ...
Hansen, Sarah
(University of Oregon, 2016-11-21)
Inclusive preschool settings often provide benefits for children with special needs. Children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are at risk for isolation from peers and have benefited from a range of social communication ...
Boulahanis, Kara
(University of Oregon, 2020-09-24)
Office discipline referrals (ODRs), suspensions, and expulsions are exclusionary disciplinary practices commonly used in U.S. schools that are associated with decreased student achievement and a host of negative school and ...
Kim, Jerin
(University of Oregon, 2019-04-30)
This study evaluated the predictive and concurrent validity of the Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI). Structural equation modeling was applied to test the associations between the TFI and student outcomes. First, a total of ...
Heywood, Cynthia Valentine
(University of Oregon, 2009-06)
Young children in foster care have been exposed to a variety of risks that are strongly linked to long-term deficits in functioning across multiple developmental domains. Some children, however, demonstrate more favorable ...
Cariveau, Thomas
(University of Oregon, 2016-10-27)
Students may engage in behavior during instruction that impacts the acquisition of skills. Intervening on student behavior using group contingencies may be more efficacious than other intervention methods. Directly programming ...
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