Scholars' Bank will
be on a content freeze from 9/6 - 9/16 as we transition to a new & improved version. Minimal downtime expected
on 9/16. Stay tuned for more updates!
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Briston, Heather; Estlund, Karen
(Oesterreichische Computer Gesellschaft / Austrian Computer Society, 2010)
The “paperless office” concept has been around for decades, and many have cited that the electronic office has instead increased the amount of paper produced. Case studies have shown that a successful “paperless” system ...
Hixson, Carol G.
(University of Oregon Libraries, 2005-05-20)
Specialists in serials have been dealing with the effects of an imbalance in the scholarly communication process for some time. The increase in scholarly output coupled with the decreasing ability of libraries to provide ...
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