Nehalem, Oregon Planning Documents

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  • ItemOpen Access
    Nehalem Notice of Adopted Amendment (2010-07-12)
    (Nehalem, 2010-07-12) Nehalem
    Adopted new Sign regulations and standards; Eliminated a Special Conditional Use Standard requiring a 30' setback for Public, Instutional, Health Facilities and others; Modified Nonconforming Use standards to ensure nonconforming signs are governed specifically by new Article on Signs; Ensure that Findings on all land-use applications address applicable standards within Land-Use Ordinances; and eliminated Sign Permit fees excepting for Off-Premise Signs.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Nehalem : Downtown transportation plan
    (City of Nehalem (Or.), 2003-06) Nehalem (Or.); CH2M Hill, inc.; Angelo Eaton & Associates; Alta Planning and Design
    The Nehalem Downtown Transportation Plan addresses key transportation issues in the city (see Figure 1-1). The plan focuses on U.S. 101 in Nehalem, with specific attention to the intersection where U.S. 101 makes a 90-degree turn. The plan's goals are: improve mobility, safety and accessibility for all travel modes; improve pedestrian and bicycle circulation and facilities; Provide for improvements that can be implemented and that comply with applicable standards. This plan has three sections: 1) Introduction, 2) Existing Conditions and Future Opportunities and 3) Alternatives and Recommendations. [From the Plan]