Browsing Master of Fine Arts Terminal Project Reports by Title


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  • Talaei, Elnaz (University of Oregon, 2020)
  • Siscoe, Brandon (University of Oregon, 2015)
    The work in my thesis exhibition exists as a sculpture of fragments. This work is a fluid definition of sculpture that understands itself not as a self-enclosed complete form, but as a flat ontology of object relationships ...
  • Molloy, Ian Sherlock (University of Oregon, 2021)
  • Krajkowski, Alex (University of Oregon, 2015)
    My practice involves surrendering control to a variety of generative processes as a way to create an image. By exposing gelatin silver paper to obscure chemical processes, or using simple machines to create photomechanical ...
  • Taylor, Noa (University of Oregon, 2024)
    This terminal creative project report is the written accompaniment to the art exhibition Machines of Loving Grace, originally installed at Ditch Projects in Springfield, Oregon in May 2024. As such, it examines the ...
  • Evans, Mary (University of Oregon, 2023)
    The wheel of change spins, creating cylindrical space like a slow-moving tornado in which we reside in the center. It collapses in on itself. Memory creates the shape of a spiral thrust forward into the future, mimicking ...
  • Gutnik, Anastasiya (University of Oregon, 2023-06)
    I always wanted to carry my mother’s family name Vodonos, which translates to water bearer in Russian. Harkening back to generations that came before me, the name traces the labor of walking which provided this essential ...
  • Howell, Leah (2019)
    The intersection of the permanent and impermanent, the disposable and the pleasurable opens up a space for my work to live in. I seek to create a tension between the familiarity of objects, materiality and fragmentation. ...
  • Morgan, Mary (2017)
  • Parnes, Stephanie (2019)
  • Amini, Sajad (University of Oregon, 2021)
    Examining subjectivity and its association with a relocated body in diasporic circumstances has become the core concept of my work as an artist. I attempt to justify my own Being and comprehend the reflection of it through ...
  • Gordon, Conner (University of Oregon, 2024)
    The photographs in The Overlook are made in the scenic viewpoints that dot the Oregon Coast, which attempt to flatten the land into a definitive vista. Within these spaces, I depict overlook infrastructure with a large ...
  • Herceg, Noelle (University of Oregon, 2022)
    In the cold-lit stale rooms of IDEAL LIVING, her food tray is brought up as close as it could be to her chair, and my grandpa sits behind it. He picks up the spoon and scoops up mush— brown mush, with a little bit of green ...
  • Peña, David (University of Oregon, 2023-06)
    Permeable boundaries is an intimate reflection of the past to understand the present — a contemplation of embedded histories, family, memory, grief, and borders. Coming from a geographical borderland between the westernmost ...
  • Bjork, Aaron (2019)
    In the first century, Romans gathered in open-air marketplaces known now by the word bazaar, a variant of the Persian word bazar. As hubs for converging trade routes, these marketplaces served not only as sites for commerce, ...
  • Zhang, Junwei (University of Oregon, 2020)
    My project Pseudo-well is an extension of my previous work A Well. Back then I only had a vague plan to address the disconnectedness of individual and our globalized space by using the round shape of a tire and the depth ...
  • Zeng, William (University of Oregon, 2023-06)
    This text is an accompaniment towards a terminal creative project, RICE, a queer yellow fantasy, and describes the sociopolitical and cultural histories that my artistic practice is engaged in. This paper traces the three ...
  • O'Shea, Ellen (University of Oregon, 2024)
    This text serves as a companion to my terminal creative project, Shapeshifter, which documents the transformation from woman to slug and elaborates on the sociopolitical and cultural contexts that inform my artistic ...
  • Asahina, Lee (2017-06-22)
    My terminal project consists of paintings composed of flowers, hands, and scribbles along with various other shapes and marks that mine the personal, the cultural, and the historical. I make paintings in the spirit of ...
  • Mikenis, Sarah (2016)
    My work pretends to respond to the weight of the world like people do: forms bend, ostensibly pulled down by the weight of a tassel, canvas gets heavy and starts to sag, or objects buckle and fold, unable to stand upright ...

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