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Erlandson, Erik M.
(University of Oregon, 2012)
America’s first health board has received ample attention from scholars for its
unprecedented containment of cholera in 1866, but there is more to the history of New York’s
Metropolitan Board of Health (MBH) than this ...
Sanchez, Gabriel
(University of Oregon, 2014-01)
Anthropologists have long believed that Native Americans on the Northern Oregon Coast did not actively hunt cetaceans; however, archaeological evidence suggests otherwise. My project utilizes ethnographic data, comparative ...
Wilms-Crowe, Momo
(University of Oregon, 2018)
Twenty-four years into democracy, in a time marked by stark inequality and rising levels of political disillusionment, student activists are key players in the pursuit of a more just, more equitable, and more democratic ...
Glass, Rowan F. F.
(University of Oregon, 2022-05)
Anthropological and historical scholarship on cultural change in colonially subordinated
cultures has often stressed deculturation—cultural loss and degradation—as a consequence of
colonialism. This paper disputes that ...
Chirchi, Dunya
(University of Oregon, 2004)
The improvement of international environmental regimes is a delicate science that is
slowly being mastered through a complicated and costly process of trial and error. Differences in regime effectiveness are influenced ...
Forster, Hale
(University of Oregon, 2011-03-16)
In this paper, I will explore whether, and how the Helsinki and the Oslo Protocols influenced emissions behavior, and whether the use of differentiated targets increased the effectiveness of the Oslo Protocol.
The data I ...
Boom, Katherine
(University of Oregon, 2008)
In the relatively young realm of international environmental politics, there is a great deal
to learn about the most effective and efficient ways in which to mitigate the world's increasing
number of environmental problems. ...
Swartzlender, Kyle
(University of Oregon, 2014-02-12)
This essay explores how the genre of the artist’s book, especially the appropriative
manner of artist’s book, may be used as a method of literary criticism. The central argument of
the paper is that the book artist, when ...
Dorning, Sandra
(University of Oregon, 2017)
Botrylloides violaceus, a colonial ascidian, is a cosmopolitan invader of fouling communities on man-made structures in harbors including Oregon’s Coos Estuary. This study documents seasonal and spatial patterns of B. ...
Peck, Mairin
(University of Oregon, 2014)
In 2007, Ecuador’s president Rafael Correa presented a novel climate change mitigation
plan to the world: Ecuador would leave 846 million barrels of crude oil untouched beneath the
Amazon if the global community reciprocated ...
Beard, Augustine Schuller
(University of Oregon, 2016)
Contemporary historians, ecologists, and foresters agree that the policy of all-out suppression of forest fires was misled and that it led to the proliferation of highly flammable fuels contributing to larger, more frequent ...
Brogan, Megan
(University of Oregon, 2012-06)
Do large dam projects create a “sustainable improvement of human welfare” for those
directly affected by a dam or not (WCD 2000, 2)? This question is central to a major debate in
international development. This thesis ...
Nouboussi Nkenfack, Nelly M.
(University of Oregon, 2019-04-29)
The 2014-2015 Ebola epidemic was the most devastating Ebola outbreak in history which killed over 10,000 people. During the outbreak, the WHO led efforts to design the best method to test the potential treatments quickly. ...
Sakamoto, Kiwako
(University of Oregon, 2008)
In "Time Series Tests of Endogenous Growth Models" (1995)1, Charles Jones
concludes that the two textbook endogenous growth models - AK-models and R&D
based models -are inconsistent with time series evidence. Showing ...
Bryan, Amber P.
(University of Oregon, 2014)
Exotic dancing has been studied widely throughout the social sciences. Many scholars, such as Bernadette Barton and Katherine Frank, have argued that women become exotic dancers because they are suffering from repetition ...
Montanaro, Scott
(University of Oregon, 2007)
Le, Dawn
(University of Oregon, 2015-12)
For immigrants and refugees, the concept of “home” is seldom a concrete definition, as the question of where “home” is - either in the country of origin or the new country, activates a tension in self-identity. For the ...
Polk, Siena
(University of Oregon, 2020-06)
While many are aware of the inputs required to maintain food production at an
industrial level in the United States, we seldom reflect on the profound significance of a
food system that is so deeply rooted in what Matthew ...
Thane, Lindsay M.
(University of Oregon, 2013-04-29)
During the post 9/11 era the President made claims to expansive Commander-in-Chief Powers, yet the United States’ functioning as a constitutional democracy necessitates a sharing of power among all three branches. Executive ...
Dorning, Sandra
(University of Oregon, 2017)
The nature of high seas fisheries as a common pool resource necessitates international agreements to regulate fishing behavior to preserve commercial fish stocks. The Commission for the Conservation of Southern Bluefin ...
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