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Hixson, Carol G.
(University of Oregon Libraries, 2005-11-22)
The article discusses the current state of IR development and outlines a direction that IRs in the U.S. can effectively take.
Hixson, Carol G.
(University of Regina Library, 2007-03-29)
Presentation on the rationale, technical issues, policies, resources, and marketing needed to implement an institutional repository. Presented March 29, 2007 as a pre-conference at the 16th North Carolina Serials Conference, ...
Hixson, Carol G.
(University of Oregon Libraries, 2006-07-03)
Hixson, Carol G.
(University of Oregon Libraries, 2006-06-24)
Presentation given June 24, 2006 at the American Library Association Annual Conference to the ALCTS Networked Resources and Metadata Interest Group Meeting.
Hixson, Carol G.
(Metadata and Digital Library Services, University of Oregon Libraries, 2004-10)
A Presentation to the ACRL Oregon & Washington
Joint Fall Conference 2004. Provides an overview of the University of Oregon's institutional repository, called Scholars' Bank. Discusses issues of scholarly communication, ...
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